Love, Romance and the Broken Heart explores the deepest realms of life’s most rewarding passion, LOVE. It poses profound questions about our motivations, about true intimacy, commitment and the truth about our thoughts on love.
Love, Romance & the Broken Heart will challenge your thoughts about genuine love and mere superficiality, selfishness and altruism.
Love, Romance & the Broken Heart will also urge you to explore your own thoughts about why love lasts and why it fails, what you feel in love and will challenge you to take a deeper look at your relationships.
What's to say about Jeff's book of love poems?
Apparently, it's a lot.
Experiencing this exhilarating anthology of poems is comparable to being aboard a sailing vessel in an ocean rife with crashing waves of emotional ambiguity accompanied by hypnotic tides that whisper intellectual inquiries to the undecipherable. The ebbs and flows of these poems require an unhurried approach of serious contemplation and thought in order to grasp the winds of their internal subtleties of angst and wonder. The enduring long-term relationship I’ve had with the author has enhanced my genuine appreciation for the passionate pursuit for embracing the enigmas of life that this work epitomizes. I heartily recommend this poetic pilgrimage to sojourners who are serious about traversing life with thoughtful integrity.
Doug Martin
retired pastor/missionary
I’ve known Jeff for a very long time. He is a fabulous writer, singer, man of faith, and professional. His writings here on love are so “on target” with how he lives. He speaks from the heart and writes from the soul. I took time to read through his writings and found myself in some of them…through similar experiences. I also found myself feeling and being moved to tears, finding love in the right (and sometimes the wrong) places, and able to relate in ways that I thought only I could identify with because of my own personal experiences. Jeff brings love to life and light through his tremendously caring and compassionate mind.
Well worth the time spent reading, in my favorite chair with my favorite blanket and my favorite hot cup of tea!
Vickie Grey Kennedy
licensed clinical, mental health professional
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